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    Bentofix – GCL bentonite layer

    Bentofix is a needle-punched reinforced geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) with two geotextile layers encapsulating a layer of sodium bentonite for sealing applications. Bentofix® “X” types are needlepunched GCLs where the woven fabric is coated with a low permeability and gas-tight polyolefin coating to achieve an immeadiate barrier prior to hydration. Bentofix® is multifunctional and extremely versatile clay-based lining product. Once hydrated, Bentofix® is an effective barrier against liquids, vapours, and gases.

    With over two decades of successful installations, the range of Bentofix® applications is virtually limitless:

    • Waste and contaminated soil caps
    • Landfill base liners
    • Gas and vapour seals
    • Surface impoundment liners
    • Secondary containment
    • Dams, canals, and water courses
    • Tailings containment
    • Groundwater protection
    • Sorptive barriers
    • Vertical barriers
    • Waterproofing


    • Versatile sealing applications with different GCL types and sodium bentonite
    • Can reduce construction costs by replacing compacted clay
    • Robust geotextiles encapsulate and contain the bentonite
    • Withstands differential settlement
    • Uniform peel strength provides multi-directional shear strength
    • Thermal Lock process increases internal shear strength and interface friction angles
    • Self-sealing overlaps available
    • Installation advantages with 5 m wide rolls
    • Quick and easy to install
    • BBA certified waterproofing systems (Bentofix® BFG 5000 and X2 BFG 5300)
    • ISO 9001 certified
    • CE marked


    Strong and durable nonwoven geotextiles encapsulate and protect the layer of sodium bentonite ensuring its long-term performance. And since Bentofix® contains highest quality sodium bentonite, an immediate swelling following installation is ensured to safely self-seal any unexpected mechanical damages. Because of its immense elongation capacity, Bentofix®
    shows a long-term adjustment to earth deformations, such as differential settlements. Steep slope applications are easily accommodated by Bentofix®. A unique fibre-bonding process locks the needle-punched fibres into place creating high internal shear strength with unsurpassed creep resistance. Bentofix® also addresses the often critical issue of interface friction angles. The mechanically bonded nonwoven geotextiles provide the shear resistance necessary for even the most demanding applications. This fibre reinforcement also prevents lateral migration of the bentonite. Bentofix® is clearly superior to conventional compacted clay liners. Bentofix® GCLs are certified by government regulators.



    Bentofix® provides both economical and environmental advantages. Since Bentofix® is equivalent to multiple lifts of compacted clay, it thereby increases the potential containment volume in landfills, yielding additional revenues from tipping fees. Bentofix® instal lation is quick and easy; it is simply unrolled on site and overlapped at the joints. From a logistical point of view, the advantages of Bentofix® are also easy to see: one truckload of Bentofix® covers 4,000m² compared with only 40m² (500mm thick) for a load of clay.



    Field testing and sampling from completed claycovered areas are a thing of the past with Bentofix®. The manufacture and quality control laboratory programme of Bentofix® means it arrives on site with the necessary test results, ready for installation. Compaction and moisture content testing are also eliminated with Bentofix®. »Unroll and cover« is the motto of Bentofix® installations. There is no easier way to do it.



    Bentofix® is a robust, versatile product that provides the highest safety standards and cost efficiency available. Bentofix® is unrivalled when it comes to project logistics, too. Choosing Bentofix® will reduce construction costs and time, while also preserving our natural environment.